
xs:dateTime=xfi:period-end( $period as element(xbrli:period))

Last updated on 14-02-2008 at 00:00:00.

Return the period end dateTime for finite durations and the instant dateTime for instants.


For the dates, XBRL uses a union of date and dateTime. When a date is specified, it should be expanded to a dateTime as specified in the XBRL specification. Note that this expansion differs for start dates and end or instant dates.

XBRL 2.1 Section 4.7.2

OIM Status



Name Type Details
period element(xbrli:period) The period for which to obtain the period end.


Type: xs:dateTime

Return the period end dateTime for finite durations and the instant dateTime for instants. For an end date or instant date without time, the dateTime returned is the midnight at the end of the date reported, conceptually as if the time portion were "T24:00:00".


Code Details
xfie:PeriodIsForever This error MUST be thrown if the item is reported with a forever period.

Conformance suite

80127 xfi.period-end testcase.xml [ download ]


Name Affiliation Email Start End
Geoff Shuetrim Galexy geoff@galexy.net 14-02-2008 at 00:00:00


Name On Details
Geoff Shuetrim 23-01-2008 at 00:00:00 Defined the function.
26-03-2008 at 21:23:00 Clarified time portion of output when only date is reported, without time.